Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga to Strengthen Your Nervous System

Stretching and Breathing Exercises Although Sagittarius is an upbeat and optimistic sign, the Archer lives in dynamic tension, as illustrated by the Centaur's drawn arrow, which is never released. Its mental activity overtaxes the nervous system. Many of us can relate to the condition of being wound up and unable to let go. Mental, emotional,… Continue reading Kundalini Yoga to Strengthen Your Nervous System

Evolutionary Expansion

Jupiter and Sagittarius and the Evolution of Consciousness

This blog begins a new series devoted to examining each zodiac sign from the perspective of its personal evolutionary growth formula. This month we investigate Sagittarius and its ruling planet Jupiter. Jupiter will be a common theme as it plays out in each of the twelve signs. Jupiter's tone and mode of expansion is colored… Continue reading Jupiter and Sagittarius and the Evolution of Consciousness